This is another collaboration with artist Richard Serrao. So far I've colored a few of his drawings that he's sent to me via e-mail. Here's another one we did of 60's/70's Martial Arts film legend Bruce Lee.
This is one of his older drawings, but it was one of the earliest drawings I've seen of his and was kinda excited to color it. I went for a retro style similar to the Chinese Connection dvd cover.
Mr. Serrao and I have been discussing working on a Punisher story that he's been working on for a couple years. He's been giving me some very humbling compliments on his blog, and it's very encouraging. His friends have also been giving me some feedback (positive or otherwise) but very helpful. Hopefully he gets the greenlight for the Punisher book, and I'm able to be the colorist.
Even if that doesn't happen hopefully the two of of us can work on another project together. These projects have been fun nonetheless and have been good for my portfolio. Well I'm out Nellz Nation.