Music and pop culture icon Michael Jackson past away from cardiac arrest.
Granted his career was marred by controversy especially in his last few years but what it really comes down to, the guy was talented and gifted. He was known and loved worldwide for 40 years. I think his impact is bigger than Elvis' was on pop culture.
He was very eccentric and troubling at times but I was kinda hoping that he would finally get it together after this tour put out one more album of just pure hits (not a bunch of whining Heal the world songs) and get the redemption he deserved just for art sake. I mean whenever I leave this Earth I would love for people to remember me as a whole person and for my art. No I won't miss MJ the person because I did not know him, but his music will definitely live on.
Shots out to the family of actress Farrah Fawcett who also died yesterday at 62 years old. And to the family of little Jada Justice of Indiana (this is becoming way too common in our community).